
SASS Project Plans

Project Idea

My goal is to create a settings page for the porfolio_2025 repository which allows for dynamic changing of the theme from the website. This would not only show the capabilities of SASS, but also serve as a good project to better acquaint myself with the language. Additionally, I plan to improve pre-existing lessons on SASS such as the one on hacks and possibly make another lesson which dives into more advanced aspects for any students that are interested.


I made a repl to test out toggle switches and for the overall aesthetic of the page. I drew inspiration from the IOS user interface with the toggle switches Design

Research/Thought Process

After some research online, I realized that changing the theme using SASS and Javascript alone was more complicated than I previously thought. However, after researching some jekyll themes online which can toggle between light and dark mode, I think I’ve found a solution.

  1. First, I would make mixins for to import specific themes, such as leaf and hacker (done in custom-styles.scss)
@mixin leaf-theme {
  @import "minima/leaf/_leaf";

@mixin hacker-theme {
  @import "minima/hacker/jekyll-theme-hacker";
  1. During my reseach, I also found a common use of an attribute in default.html files which used a light/dark mode switcher. Data-theme is used to store the site’s current theme, which will be useful for later.
<html lang="en" class="html" data-theme="dark">
  1. In here, the mixins for leaf-theme and hacker-theme are included if the data-theme is “leaf” or “hacker”, respectively. This will allow for dynamic changing of the theme if the data-theme attribute is altered.
html[data-theme="leaf"] { @include leaf-theme; }
html[data-theme="hacker"] { @include hacker-theme; }
  1. Finally, using some JavaScript code, the value of data-theme can be changed which can end up changing the overall theme.
document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'leaf');
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