Ideation for CPT warmup
November 2023 (266 Words, 2 Minutes)
Binary Exploration Website Ideation
- Pull together many binary-related applications/features for the user to explore
- 5 binary-related features
- SASS theme(Merry Christmas)
Random Color Generator
- Validate RGB Values
- Convert RGB Decimal to Binary
- Have sample RGB value input (decimal)
- Display color in RGB format
- Displaying converted RGB values in binary
- Key Commits
Binary Sheep Counter
- Allow the user to count but in binary because its cooler
- As the user counts in binary, you convert the current values to RGB and change the color of the sheep
- Relationship between RGB and the binary values
- Make a moving sheep to make it more interesting
- Maybe a multiplier to make the color changing happen faster
Steganography Encoder:
- convert string you want to hide into binary
- Read image, get info in each pixel
- convert each into binary
- Modify the least significant bit/ least significant bits (last 1 or last 2) bits to the corresponding bit in the binary string that we made
- save new binary as a new image, then return that image to the user (this image has the encrypted text inside of it)
- make a decrypter, read the least significant bits of each pixel, then add them all to a binary string, then convert that binary string back into a text message
Password combiner:
- 2 passwords → convert both to binary
- Use logic gates to combine the two passwords into one
- Convert back into letters and numbers and display new password
- Logic gates:
- AND gate
- OR gates
- XOR gate
- NOR gate
- NAND gate
Ascii Art Generator:
- Object as input and generates ASCII art from the image.
- Processing each pixel in the image, converting RGB values to binary, and determining whether to use ‘*’ (foreground) or ‘ ‘ (background) based on specific criteria defined in the isForeground function
- Determines whether a pixel should be considered part of the foreground based on a binary value
- Converting each pixel’s RGB values to binary used as determination
- 0.98/1.00 for Lakshanya and Hanlun
Excellent Ideation and Code, space for minor improvements
- 0.97/1.00 for Matthew, Aditya, and Trevor
- Overall great, but could work a little bit more on organization of ideation
Both teams
- Great theme, liked the Christmas design
- Easy to read
- All the codes work great
- Clearly expressed ideas and plans