
College Board Pseudo Code

Learning College Board Pseudo Code

College Board uses a kind-of programming language in its Multiple Choice exam. There are thousands of different programming languages have been created, and more are being created every year. College Board has designed a pseudo code, a non operational programming language, to highlight concepts that it wants every student to learn.

College Board is trying to remain neutral and build Computer Science Principles off of any language, thus the Teacher is left to pick the language(s) according to application and curriculum.

College Board Pseudo Code Exam Reference Sheet

College Board Python
a ← expression a = expression
DISPLAY(expression) print(“expression”)
INPUT() hello = input(“world”)
RANDOM(a, b) random.randint(a, b)
a = b a == b
REPEAT n TIMES for i in range(n)
REPEAT UNTIL(condition) while (false)
aList ← value1, value2, value3 aList = [“value1”, “value2”, “value3”]
list[1] list[0]

Pseudo code IF Code Block

a ← 1
b ← 1

IF (a = b) {
   DISPLAY("A equals B")
# Python code if block to match Pseudo Code
a = 1
b = 1
if (a == b):
    # Python uses indent to establish code block, Teacher use tab key
    print("A equals B")


Key Learnings. It is very important that you become fluent in “ Vocabulary” and researching problems.

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