
JS Input

/* Whenever we go shopping, we have a list of stuff we want to buy. Create a program in which a user can store their name, the list of stuff they want, the day they plan to go shopping,their phone number and a password.

Features: Pt 1: The program will ask if the user has created an account before. If so, it will ask for the name and then the password. Do not worry about whether or not they inputted something wrong. If not, ask them to create an account by asking for phone number, name and password

Pt2: The program will ask what the user wants to buy. The user will type in a command if they are done, and the program will ask what day they plan to shop in. Then it will go back to login. Otherwise, it will add the item to the list and ask again.

Pt3: Keep on running the program until the user wants to leave the program You must include these cases: User switches accounts if the account exists: User wants to add more stuff to the list User wants to change their email and phone number */ // var list = {item: “apple”}; // fruit = list[“item”] //or list.item;

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